The Most Excellent Master Degree is the Sixth Degree in the York Rite and is conferred in the Chapter of Royal Arch Masons.

It's historical reference is to the completion and dedication of the Temple of King Solomon, who is represented by the presiding officer under the title of Right Worshipful Master.

This degree is peculiarly American,  it being practiced in no other country.   It was the invention of Webb, who organized the Capitular system of Masonry as it exists in America, and established the system of lectures which is the foundation of all subsequent systems taught here.

This degree depicts the completion of the Temple and the setting of the Copestone, or Keystone, and the setting of the Ark within the Vault.  Here the candidate witnesses the completion, amid much rejoicing and great splendor, of the Temple on which the Mason has symbolically labored in all of the previous degrees in Masonry. 

We dedicate this house.  We learn from the Holy Scriptures that the Temple of Solomon was completed and dedicated.  The Most Excellent Master Degree recreates the dedication of that magnificent Temple.  The labors of the Craft are given the blessing of the Lord, who descended as fire from heaven and consumed the burnt offering, at the dedication..  King Solomon, in his gratitude, received and acknowledged them Most Excellent Masters, empowered to travel and receive Master's Wages, and charged them with the responsibility of sharing their Masonic Light and Knowledge with those less informed.  

Symbolically the Degree of Most Excellent Master represents the building of life and character and the reward which come to him who faithfully performs this task.  Your Industry was rewarded as a Most Excellent Master.